We are back down to 16 per team this year. We have a few with conflicts on each side (Long, Skinny, Mike, Pete, Nate, Wayne)
Joey slides back to Blue this year. Tim Kirby is filling in for RED and Curt Jorgenson for Blue.
New to the matches is Nick Eichacker. When I asked him, he asked me “which team am I playing for?” I responded RED.
He said “Great, because I wouldn’t have played for BLUE”
See you at NOON on Friday April 29 for lunch. Golf starting at 1245pm.
First round matchups are being put together by your captains Scrubby and Heavy. Mike and Tusch deferred their captaincy to next year.
Brian Sabers Kent Peterson
Vince Weber Jake Heumiller
Tim Kirby Joey Rotert
Scubby Drew Peterson
Chad Lauck Brad Kranz
Doug Sabers Brian Weber
Justin Sabers Ron Heumiller
Nick Eichacker Rob Grady
Bruce Sabers Ed Kranz
Zach Heumiller Chad Tuschen
Eric Peterson Roly
Jack Sabers Dog
Tom Peterson Curt Jorgenson